Deploy Google Assistant Voice App

This tutorial will show how you can quickly Create and deploy your Google Assistant Voice App action from GoVocal.AI

Note: If you have already created a project and completed details on Build Section, then switch over to step 4 to create a Google Assistant voice app.

1. Create a new Project

2. Select Google Assistant Template

3. Save Project

4. Go to Setup

5. Deploy Tab

Provide details for Google Assistant Voice App & Click One-Click Deploy

Provide the Project Id, Language, Access Token Code and Recommendation Phrases(Optional).

1. Project Id

  • Here we need your Google Assistant actions project ID to deploy directly on Google.
  • To find or create, click on Create Project link

  • Click on New Project

  • Enter Project Name and click on the Create Project button.

  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the Conversational tab template for your app.

  • Click on the three dot menu and open the Project Settings

  • Copy Project Id

  • Paste project Id

2. Access Token/Code

  • Click on get access token/code link

    • Select valid google account

    • Allow assistant cli to access google account

    • Copy access token/code

    • Paste access token/code

3. Recommendation Phrases

  • Enter different recommendation phrases separated by comma(,)
  • Add different recommendation phrases for different languages enabled for the project.
  • Recommendation phrases are a valuable mechanism to increase the discoverability of your Action and provide a way for users to deep link into your conversation by providing a specific task to accomplish. Example : Ok google, talk to deals and coupons about today’s deal here,

    • “ok google, talk to” is trigger phase.
    • “deals and coupons” is invocation name.
    • “about today’s deal” is recommendation phrase.

Once you have filled all the required details, Click on One-Click Deploy in the bottom right corner.

  • On successful creation, the following pop-up will occur with the title “action successfully created!”

6. Congrats! Your action has been created

7. Test your google assistant voice app

8. Publish your google assistant voice app